Recent reports

For the publications and other reports that feature below, produced in recent years, IKED/its experts have either been responsible, engaged by way of co-authorship, or contributed as a partner

Policy-brief Nature-Based Organisations

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As part of EU NBS Task Force VI on Co-creation and Co-governance, IKED authored the seminal guidelines report

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Acting as secretariat for the Davos Workshop in January 2023, IKED edited the report on Revamping Investment in Support of Nature Regeneration

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IKED co-authored the seminal report for the EU on Nature-based Solutions in a Nature-positive Economy

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In work on digital enablers in the URBiNAT project, IKED produced the 2021 report on implementation

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Mobilising Digital Enablers for Citizen Engagement in Urban Regeneration

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In work on digital enablers in the URBiNAT project, IKED produced the 2020 report elaborating on the portfolio and building blocks of digital enablers

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In URBiNAT since 2019, IKED coordinates work on the Community of Practice (CoP)

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Under the aegis of EU Horizon NBS Task Force III,  IKED led analysis on the role of demand along with co-authorship of the report "From Nature-Based Solutions to the Nature-Based Economy - Delivering the Green Deal for Europe", White Paper, published by the EU Commission

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The Muscat Call 2022

Water & Humanity

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Global Forum, AI Ethics Guidelines

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Handbook on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the URBiNAT project

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In the Inconet-GCC, project, IKED set out the directions for follow-up work

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Developed for the largest Swedish union, a report on the future of jobs in the era of digitalisation

This report draws on consultations with Unionen and its members. It was launched at Almedalen, Gotland, followed by a panel discussion on the future of jobs, in June, 2017.

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